Interactive map of Gothic Castles

Educational game

Goal of the game: Find the letters hidden in the visualizations of the castles, put them into a password, then send the password via e-mail to the website "POLSKIE ZAMKI GOTYCKIE"

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen

Read the hint for the first letter of the password you need to find. All hints are below the map

Find the first letter of the password in the appropriate castle on the map and write it down on a piece of paper

Read the hint for the second letter of the password, then find it in the correct castle and write it down in the correct order on the piece of paper

Proceed similarly with subsequent letters of the password

After finding all the letters and putting them together into the password send the password via e-mail to the website "POLSKIE ZAMKI GOTYCKIE" with the annotation “Interactive Castles Competition".

You will take part in a draw to
determine the winnercontest.
The winner will receive a non-cash prize

Interactive map of Gothic Castles

The first letter of the password

can be found in the moat of the largest castle in Prussia

The second letter of the password

can be found in the castle of an amber master

The third letter of the password

can be found in the castle connected to the cathedrals

The fourth letter of the password

can be found on the second (largest) castle after Malbork

The fifth letter of the password

can be found in the castle of the Marshal of the Teutonic Order

The sixth letter of the password

is in the headquarters of Warmia’s bishops

The seventh letter of the password

can be found in the castle on the island surrounded by a wooden palisade

If you already have a contest slogan, send it to the following address with the annotation "Interactive Castles Competition"