On July 28 – August 4 2021 a study visit for a journalist from Germany, Michael Juhran, took place. Michael Juhran is a German journalist, a longtime award-winning travel journalist, a former DPA correspondent and a member of the Tourismus PR association, where he plays one of the most important roles. He plans to create 2 articles in “Neue Westfälische” (circulation 220,000) (https://www.nw.de/suche?em_pid=&detail=0&searchressort=&such=michael+juhran&em_search_category=all) and in “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (https://www.noz.de/), concerning the values of Pomerania and places worth recommending, with particular emphasis on the route of gothic castles. Estimated value of the article – EUR 12 500. The effects of the visit are expected in the fall at the latest. The study visit, in which Michael Juhran participated, was prepared by the Pomeranian Regional Tourist Organization in cooperation with the Foreign Center of the Polish Tourist Organization in Berlin (ZO POT Berlin). The guests visited Łeba with the Słowiński National Park, Ustka, Malbork, Kwidzyn, Gniew and Gdańsk. On June 26 – June 29 2021 another study visit took place – organized for Polish, travel journalists from Lublin. The journalists are: Marta Grabiec, writing for “Kurier Lubelski“, Agnieszka Kasperska, working for the local newspaper “Dziennik Wschodni“, Anna Kośmiej, who has been broadcasting for many years at Radio Lublin, and Piotr Nowacki, writing for the magazine “Lajf Magazyn Lubelski“. Journalists visited the top monuments on the Route of Gothic Castles, i.e. in Malbork, Sztum, Gniew and Kwidzyn, but also visited Gdańsk. Some of the resulting articles are available via the links:
- https://kurierlubelski.pl/w-powietrzu-i-na-morzu-gdansk-czeka-na-mieszkancow-lubelszczyzny/ar/c7-15707608
- https://www.dziennikwschodni.pl/magazyn/z-lublina-do-gdanska-samolotem-nie-tylko-nad-morze,n,1000291613.html
- https://lajf.info/kierunek-pomorze/
The article is the project’s activity no PR/1/008/2018 ‘Tourism beyond the boundaries – tourism routes of the cross-border regions of Russia and North-East Poland’.
This content is the sole responsibility of the Association of Municipalities “Polish Gothic Castles” and cannot under any circumstances be regarded as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the IS or the Joint Technical Secretariat of WIP Poland – Russia 2014-2020.