on the website of the Association of communes “Polish gothic castles”. You will find here a lot of information and curiosities from the wonderfully historical areas located around the Trail of Gothic Castles.

The competition is addressed to primary school children and young people from 15 municipalities belonging to the Association of communes “Polish gothic castles” and from 8 municipalities belonging to the Association “Dom Warmiński”.

We invite you to listen to the audiobook with a record of the poems “Polish and Hungarian Songs” by Ferdinand Gregorovius. It is a collection of sixteen poems written in honor of Hungarians and Poles fighting for the freedom and independence of their homelands in the era of national uprisings, built on the wave of the European Spring of Peoples. Hungarian version | German version

Mobile app
Trails of Gothic Castles – Tourist game on the cultural trails of Pomerania, Warmia and Mazury and the Kaliningrad region is a unique proposal of a thematic mobile guide to unique places of the Southern Baltic area, enriched with a module of quests – field games on selected trails.
Interactive map
of Gothic Castles
Project ‘Tourism beyond the boundaries – tourism routes of the cross-border regions of Russia and North-East Poland’ is implemented with the financial support of the European Union within the Poland-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The task was co-financed from the funds of the local governments of the Province of Pomerania and the Province of Warmia and Mazury. The project was co-financed from the funds of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding as part of the Open Competition – Remotely.

Historical games: M. Copernicus – I. Kant

At the beginning of August this year, Polish and Russian versions of the city’s historical games, based on the monuments and places of modern Olsztyn and Kaliningrad, were released. The games are connected with the life and work of two outstanding historical figures – Nicholas Copernicus and Immanuel Kant. We invite both locals and tourists to play!
The preparation and release of the game is the activity of project Pr/1/008/2018 Mon. ‘Tourism beyond the boundaries – tourism routes of the cross-border regions of Russia and North-East Poland’.
The above content is the sole responsibility of the Association of Municipalities “Polish Gothic Castles” and it cannot under any circumstances be regarded as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the IS or the Joint Technical Secretariat of WIP Poland – Russia 2014-2020.
Knight’s Battles
On the Gothic Castles Trail you will find not only historical stagings, but also dynamism-full shows of knighthoods. We invite you to watch the coverage of the Winter Tournament from Nidzica.
Mobile App
Mobile guide about the route of the Gothic castles is one of the most dynamically developing tourist applications in Poland. It is ideal for people interested in history, for these who want to learn and discover unknown and interesting facts connected with important centres of the medieval Europe. More

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