Association of the Middle Ages Culture Brotherhood of the Knights of the Olsztyn Castle
The Association of the Middle Ages Culture "Brotherhood of the Knights of the Olsztyn Castle" was established in 1997. It is the longest operating organization of this type in Warmia and Masuria, whose statutory goal is to promote the culture of the Middle Ages....
AnnKas Bee Farm
We produce beeswax candles in many color combinations and shapes. We now offer over 100 types of candles. Candles are completely natural, with the beautiful smell of honey. They absorb odors and ionize the air, which is beneficial especially for asthmatics. We also...
International Festival of Former Culture “Common Cultural Heritage”
The International Festival of Former Culture "Common Cultural Heritage" is an event in which Malbork becomes the capital of music played and sung many centuries ago. The audience has the opportunity to listen to faithful replicas of instruments from the past, learn...
Knights at the Devín Castle
The festival began writing its history in 2013. The event has an educational and entertaining character. Its goal is to revive history and bring as close as possible to a wide audience - especially families with children. Fencing, dance and theater performances,...
The international Pumpkin Festival
Nagydobos is not only the name of the place but also the name of the pumpkin, famous all over the world. Nagydobos was a famous food product of the settlement during the years 1920s and 1930s. Since 1998, the International Pumpkin Festival has been held annually, the...
The Apple Festival
The purpose of the festival is to popularize the region through apples as a distinctive product of the region, as well as developing professional market network of local producers. In addition to the presentation and competition of Szatmár's folk and gastronomic...
The Honey Fest
The Csengerújfalu Honey Fest is organized on Saturdays and Sundays. The event's program offers visitors the following attractions: election of a honey king and honey queen, presentations and tastings of honey dishes and baked goods of local and regional entrepreneurs....
The swamp festival
The festival has a regional and cross-border character. Every year, partner settlements from Romania and Ukraine take part in it. It is well known that Nagyecsed has had the richest history and culture and ethnographic monuments in the entire region. The goal of the...
the Ceramic Market at Ploskovice Castle
We invite you to the ceramic market, which is traditionally held in the castle park. You can look forward to the original work of Czech ceramists and other original products. The visit can be combined with a tour of the chateau, the chateau garden and a visit to the...
Szenkeparti Fair
The festival aims to preserve and cultivate the local tradition of holding the Szenkeparti Fair in this settlement. During the event, regional cuisine and workshops of ancient crafts are presented.4941 Penyige, HungaryAugust/Summerhttp://www.penyige.hu
The Działdowo Knights’ Tournament
The knight tournament in Działdowo has been an inseparable part of the Działdowo Days celebration for many years. The event refers to the beginnings of the city, the times of the Teutonic Knights, the founder of Działdowo and the builder of the castle in Działdowo....
Kętrzyn Association of Military Reconstructions MASURIA
The association deals with the reconstruction of historical and modern military formations. It organizes demonstrations of knightly fights, crafts, medieval tournaments, historical camps, and archery competitions.Kętrzyn / Commune: KętrzynKętrzyn Association...
wARTe Candles gallery
Galeria wARTe Świeczki powstała z miłości do pięknych zapachów i zauroczenia tajnikami ich wpływu na człowieka. Najpiękniejsze zapachy postanowiliśmy zamknąć w słoikach z działdowskiej Huty Szkła. Mieszamy wosk sojowy z soi NO GMO z wysokiej jakości naturalnymi...
PASSION Equestrian School
Equestrian School "PASJA" as an equestrian center, apart from training recreational riders, also deals with: Reconstruction of cavalry in the 13th-17th centuries; training, preparation and rental of horses; training and preparing riders for the reconstruction of the...
The Krzyżogryf host from Bytów
The Krzyżogryf host from Bytów is a reconstruction group based in the Teutonic castle in Bytów. We have been operating since 2014, we deal with the recreation and imitation of the realities and customs from the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. During our meetings...
Działdowo Knight Brotherhood
The association was founded in 2018 on the basis of a group of reenactors from Działdowo and the surrounding area. As part of the Brotherhood, there are: a sports sword section (fights with soft equipment) - sports activities for children as well as conditioning and...
Cudne Manowce (Wonderful Manners)
Cudne Manowce is an atmospheric restaurant in the Old Town offering seasonal regional cuisine of Warmia and Masuria, chef's dishes and regional products. The restaurant can boast the Culinary Heritage certificate of Warmia Masuria, Powiśle. It is a must- in Olsztyn on...
Szatmári Wedding in Hermánszeg
The purpose of the three-day event is to show a country wedding along with typical country cuisine combined with tastings for participants. The event begins with the organization of a stag night and hen party. The wedding is held according to local folk customs, the...
Wandering through the vineyards of Malé Žernosky
It’s the popular wine-tourist event. The route in Malé Žernosky will lead wine lovers to four vineyards and one cellar where it will be possible to taste wines from four winemakers. From the larger wineries to rarities of small batches from small producers -...
Königsberg Marzipan
Almonds and sugar - that's all it takes to create a work of art. Königsberg marzipan made using the traditional method at Café Moja, combines taste and health benefits with education on the history of the region. That's why it's a perfect souvenir of your stay in...
Tradition in fashion
The event is organized by the Museum on the grounds of the Sosto Village Museum, the main point of which is a fashion show entitled Tradition in Fashion. It comprises the works of embroiderers from the Berega Museum. There are also exhibitions and embroidery...
Knight’s Tournament at the castle in Sztum
In August this year the Knight's Tournament will be held at the castle in Sztum. During the tournament, you can see the struggles of knights' fellowships - there will be duels of knights and their squires, visit handicraft stands, taste dishes inspired by medieval...
Confectionery & Café DORTLETKA
The concept of the Dortletka confectionery and café wants to continue not only the family legacy, but especially the quality of Viennese and First Republic confectioneries and cafés. Dortletka is a snow pastry glued together with a special coffee cream, which is at...
The International Walnut Festival
The festival cultivates walnut processing as a local product. The idea behind the event is to promote walnut cultivation. During the event, walnut tincture are presented. Cooking and baking contests of local dishes are an additional attraction. The event is open to...
Zernosecky feast
Taste Žernosec wines, take a train ride from Litoměřice to Žernosky and back, enjoy refreshments. The municipality of Velké Žernoseky would like to invite you to the 14th year of the wine harvest. The event will take place in the local cultural centre. It is scheduled...
Knightly tournaments at the castle in Nidzica
The castle in Nidzica is a place of knights' skirmishes organized by the local brotherhood of knights. These are the "Summer Knight Tournament in Nidzica" and "Winter Cruise to the Castle in Nidzica and Grunwald Field" with the participation of Polish and foreign...
Team Jormungand Hird Kwidzyn
We are a team recreating the traditions of early medieval Scandinavians from the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries. Our group has strong ties with the nationwide Red Wing Federation of Early Medieval Warriors / Bolesław's Army. The team slogan is: "Team = Family"....
TOSTABUR – Society of Ancient Martial Arts and Crafts
TOSTABUR was founded in 1964 mainly by sports fencers of TJ Lokomotiva Bratislava. It was a group of enthusiasts about historical fencing, and their soul was the fencing master Ing. Peter Koza. We are fascinated by history and motivated by the romance of bygone...
Blacksmithing-Armoursmithing Grybol Jakub Grybek
I have been running the workshop since 1998. We have made many elements for the needs of historical groups and for individual orders. We work with traditional and modern techniques, based on our own or entrusted projects. For the needs of the historical movement, we...
Historical Castle Picnic
The Historical Castle Picnic is a cyclical event, organized annually in mid-August. Each edition of the picnic is set in a different historical period, from the Slavic times to World War II, in reference to the region's past. Depending on the leitmotif, in the castle...
Goat Cheese Tiszaadony
In 1999, the municipality of Tiszaadony handed over kids to interested families as a part of a social land program. The idea proved successful so the municipality's next step was to create a comprehensive program covering all stages of cheese making from breeding to...
Lobkowicz Castle Winery – Roudnice nad Labem
Fratava wine as a regional product and the historic Lobkowicz chateau winery Roudnice nad Labem and its more than 400 years long tradition. Wines have been produced in the medieval cellars of the Roudnice chateau under the administration of the Lobkowicz family since...
The company produces cosmetics based on ancient recipes. Natural raw materials such as herbs, fruits, beer, Moravian wine and Karlovy Vary chalk salt are used in the production. In addition to cosmetics, the company also offers recipes for home beauty and relaxation...
King Jan III Knightly Tournament
The event takes place in the Historical Park and gives the opportunity to meet medieval knights and their squires, practicing their skills in using a spear or a sword from a horse. It will also allow you to see extremely dangerous clashes of knights clad in armor...
Medieval crafts fair in Bratislava
In April in the courtyard of the Bratislava Castle there is a medieval craft fair. You will be able to experience the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and see how a potter, engraver, purse maker, tanner, and other craftsmen work. You will also have the opportunity to buy...
Association ‘Land of Plums’
The association was established in 2011 for the development of tourism of the Szatmár-Bereg area. It’s most important goal is to preserve the intact substance of nature, cultural and historical heritage, and religious traditions. The most important treasures of the...
Knight’s Tournament for the Spear of St. George
Knight tournament for the spear of St. George is a meeting with the culture of the Middle Ages. Its participants are knights' brotherhoods, whose representatives fight for the spear of St. George, the medieval knight, the legendary dragon slayer of Silene, and the...
Pottery Village
We invite you to the Pottery Village to learn about Masurian traditions. This Masurian theme village is a great place for rest, education and fun. The offer includes a guided walk, craft workshops, a film screening and a presentation on Masurian traditions. The...
Szatmári Wedding in Szamosújlak
The purpose of the three-day event is to show a country wedding along with typical country cuisine combined with tastings for participants, who can also learn how to make snail cakes. The event begins with the organization of stag night and hen party. The wedding is...
Palinka manufactory (the national vodka of Hungary)
The manufactory is located on the farm (tanya) Kálonga, located between the villages of Tuzsér and Mándok. It has had many years of experience in traditional palinka production from fruits available in the region - plum and apple. It prepares products for individual...
Сoronation days in Bratislava
Every year in July Bratislava hosts the Coronation Days Theater. Fencing performances, exhibitions, tastings, and free tours in Slovak, English, German, Hungarian, and Ukrainian are waiting for you. The main event is a procession in historical costumes with the king,...
COHORS Prešov – a historical fencing group
Discover COHORS Prešov, a historical fencing group with a rich legacy. Founded in 1995 and registered in 1996, COHORS embodies the spirit of a guard. Their yellow and red colors adorn their battle flag, symbolizing honor and glory. Experience their captivating...
The Haunted Castle
The Haunted Castle is an event that will bring the ghosts back to Bojnice Castle. It's about a staged event with ghosts and poltergeists of Bojnice Castle, dedicated to domestic and foreign visitors as part of cultural tourism on the upper Nitra. It focuses on those...
The European Folk Craft Festival – EĽRO
The European Folk Craft Festival in Kežmarok is the most important and the greatest presentation of folk crafts in Slovakia. The festival is organised every year during the three days of the second weekend of July, The festival originated in 1990 as the first one of...
Lavender biscuits and culinary lavender
Butter cookies "LAVANDULKY" are made by hand, prepared and baked according to the traditional recipe by Mrs. Anna Drobná (mother of the owner), who comes from the Lavender Garden in Klapý. Biscuits have been baked here according to this recipe for more than 3...
Hussarian Camp
Hussarian Camp (pl. Stanica Husarska) is located near Gniew, in the village of Nicponia. Its animators carry out educational, recreational and equestrian activities conducted by experienced riding instructors. The initiators of the recently existing facility have many...
Weaving Company (PASZABI SZÖTTTES BT.)
The tradition of weaving began with the regulation of the Cisa River, then each family produced its own clothing and underwear used in the household. Hemp fibers were bleached on the spot and became the raw material suitable for weaving. Gradually, weaving traditions...
Original ceramics fired in a wood-burning kiln
"Fascinating - just to take a piece of clay that accompanies our every step, create a teapot, mug or bowl. Dress them with glaze, let them sinter with fire and then just enjoy…. I'm inspired by nature and antiquity." Most products start their journey on a potter's...
Knight’s Feast
Knight's Feasts are organized on Thursdays, in July and August. It takes place in the castle courtyard decorated with Teutonic banners. The game is played by the Teutonic commander surrounded by armed monastic knights. Willing participants can take part in...
Domini Scepusii – a historical swordplay company
Embark on an exhilarating journey with ‘Domini Scepusii - the lords of the Zips’ a historical swordplay company established in 1995. With a deep passion for military history, weapon craftsmanship, and the life of past societies, they bring the past to life through...
We are delighted to extend to you a special invitation to explore handpicked gems of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. Our editorial team has scoured the region to curate a unique and unforgettable journey that showcases the rich culture, history, and natural beauty of these countries.

The interactive map ‘History on the V4 Routes’ is the project’s activity
within the project ‘Explore hidden treasures of tourist and travel pearls’ financed by
the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
Visegrad Fund: www.visegradfund.org
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10-006 Olsztyn