Na Rychtě Brewery received the certificate for the group of Beers products produced by Na Rychtě Brewery, which include: Mazel 12° – light lager, Vojtěch 12°- amber lager, Rychtovar 14° – light special, Ústecká rychtářka 11° – Weizenbier, wheat beer, beer 12° – lager (cherry, raspberry, cranberry), Ústečan 14° – light special, Ústí nad Labem 11°. All beers are unfiltered, unpasteurized and brewed by the traditional method. PIVOVAR HOTEL NA RYCHTĚ is a restaurant brewery with a hotel in the center of Ústí nad Labem. The permanent menu includes 4 to 6 beers, a spacious restaurant in the style of an old Czech pub with a capacity of 150 seats offers traditional dishes and gourmet specialties, a daily menu, a lounge and an outdoor garden. The main feature of the restaurant is the display beer breweries, from which local Mazel beer and other own beers are bottled. Every month, the restaurant organizes gastronomic weeks. It also offers a number of special menus for important events.

Hotel Na Rychtě, Klášterní 75/9, 40001 Ústí nad Labem, the Czech Republic
