On Thursday, 28 October, Úštěk will host the largest celebration of the founding of the republic in the Czech Republic. You can look forward to a full-day rich programme with T.G. Masaryk. Program: arrival of T.G. Masaryk with his entourage and his stay at the Crafts Day; TGM speech; retro kapaley; exhibition of 1st Republic items; theatre and workshops for children; puppet and street scene; historical shooting range, bottle range and retro toys; large craft fair. Join us in costume and have a great time, you’ll meet ladies in gowns, peasants, gentlemen in suits and officers moms with retro strollers, etc. We look forward to seeing all participants, admission 50 CZK, children 30 CZK.
Location: Mírové náměstí 83, 41145 Úštěk, the Czech Republic
Mírové náměstí 83,
41145 Úštěk, the Czech Republic