Visit of Czech tourist bloggers in Poland (Pomorze, Warmia, Mazury)

Visit of Czech tourist bloggers in Poland (Pomorze, Warmia, Mazury)

On 18 – 23 June 2023  the  study visit of  the Czech tourist bloggers, Kateřina Ostrá, Michal Ostrý, took place. The main topic of the visit was the Gothic Castles Route (Gniew, Kwidzyn, Malbork, Lidzbark Warmiński, Olsztyn, Nidzica, Ryn), related to the former...
Jewelry ZEMA

Jewelry ZEMA

ZEMA has been a new Hungarian brand on the jewelry market. It was established in 2009. Among its products you can find individually designed silver jewelry decorated with original Swarovski crystals, jewelry with amber, pearls, semi-precious stones.  The latest...
Goat Cheese Tiszaadony

Goat Cheese Tiszaadony

In 1999, the municipality of Tiszaadony handed over kids to interested families as a part of a social land program. The idea proved successful so the municipality’s next step was to create a comprehensive program covering all stages of cheese making from...
The archery group Keleti Gyepű

The archery group Keleti Gyepű

Keleti Gyepű was founded in 2004 and refers to historical traditions whose goal is to preserve and revive the traditions of the Arpad dynasty (the first Hungarian national dynasty). The re-enactment group organizes a series of meetings and events in order not only to...
Weaving Company (PASZABI SZÖTTTES BT.)

Weaving Company (PASZABI SZÖTTTES BT.)

The tradition of weaving began with the regulation of the Cisa River, then each family produced its own clothing and underwear used in the household. Hemp fibers were bleached on the spot and became the raw material suitable for weaving. Gradually, weaving traditions...