Media on the tourist routes
The years 2020 and 2021 were the years of implementation of study visits for journalists and bloggers on the tourist routes of Warmia and Masuria, Pomerania and the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation. Within the project ‘Tourism beyond the boundaries –...
A book ‘Marzipan in Prussia’
We invite all lovers of marzipan for a cultural and culinary trade in the former Prussia. The book presents the history and popularity of marzipan in Europe and describe how marzipan came to the Baltic Sea region. For example, it is known that marzipan appears on the...
Interactive Trail of Gothic Castles
You can get to know the former Prussian land by following marked trails. Moreover, you can find out more about it virtually. An interactive map which presents the most up-to-date and probable visualizations of the Teutonic, bishops` and chapters` castles in the...
a study tour on the Route of the Gothic Castles of Warmia, Masuria and Pomerania
A study visit along the tourist routes of Warmia and Masuria and Pomerania was organised for the editor-in-chief of the tourist magazine LOVE WM Kamila Górecka Kirwiel - www.lovewm.pl between 24 and 27 October and between 29 October and 1 November 2021. The routes...
A study tour of bloggers on the trails of Warmia and Masuria
A study visit along the tourist trails of Warmia and Masuria for Anna and Marcin Nowak, the tourist bloggers from www.gdziewyjechac.pl, was organised from 10th till 14th October 2021. The bloggers travelled on the trails including three topics: selected monuments of...
A study tour for Russian journalists in the Kaliningrad region
On 04 - 09 October 2021 the second study tour for 3 Russian journalists of the leading travel publications in the frame of the Project's activities took place. The study tour began with the history of Kaliningrad. They continued acquaintance with the historical...
A study tour for Russian journalists in the Kaliningrad region
On 13 - 18 September 2021 the first study tour for 3 Russian journalists of the leading travel publications in the frame of the Project's activities took place. The journalists got acquainted with the city of Kaliningrad: they took a walk through the Rybnaya village,...
A study tour for two travel-bloggers in the Kaliningrad region
As part of the implementation of the Project's activities from 20 to 28 September 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Kaliningrad Region organized a study tour for 2 bloggers: @ northern.friend and @lanasator along the tourist routes of the Kaliningrad...
A study tour for journalists in the Province of the Warmia and Mazury
Agnieszka Franus, the editor-in-chief of the National Geographic, and Krzysztof Stypulkowski, a photographer were visiting our region from 17th September till 20th September 2021. Our guests familiarized themselves with the attractions of the region and got to know...
a tourist game ‘I. Kant’ in Kaliningrad
A tourist game about I. Kant took place in Kaliningrad on 15 September 2021. 28 people took part in it. These were employees of the project partners, i.e. the Ministry for culture and tourism of Kaliningrad region and ANO 'Museum of urban lifestyle', as well as...